I am Anton Driessen, a passionate electronic developer.

I love electronics, challenges and good coffee, ideally all at the same time.

Electronic development is often a complicated puzzle. You need to strike the right balance between functionalities, requirements and the budget. The trickier the puzzle, the more I like it. I enjoy solving complex electronic problems and taking new ideas from paper to reality.

I come up with smart, innovative concepts and turn them into a robust product.

Get in touch with Anton Driessen

I have electronics down to a science

It is all about finicky work at the millimetre scale, with hundreds to tens of thousands of components on a circuit board. It requires specialist knowledge of each component and their interactions as well as a sure-handed approach. I have a meticulous working method. I carry out thorough calculations and simulations, carefully review all the specifications and look for the right components. Every detail matters. I want every project to yield a sound, reliable and first-rate end product.

What you get

  • The first prototype is often 95% identical to the serial product
  • You know exactly how your product is going to look and work
  • I am not afraid of looking for creative solutions (and I find them)
  • The prototype is just one step away from serial production because I take production capabilities into account from the get-go
Elektronica kwalificatie met multimeter Elektronica kwalificatie met multimeter

Have you got an electronic challenge?
I am ready for it.

Take the portable artificial kidney, a large, cumbersome device that needed to be shrunk to the size of a handbag. I designed the electronics that control the dialysis and monitor safety.

Or the wireless charger for electric cars. User-friendly and capable of a full charge overnight? That is what everyone wants. As system architect, I was responsible for development this new tech.

I am pleased with these achievements.

I have accumulated 15 years of experience

Even more, actually: I spent my teenage years messing around with radio transmission devices.

I then worked for the NEN standards committee as engineer and system architect. I gained experience with mechanics, embedded software and digital electronics, but analogue electronics and power electronics are my favourite.

And that is what I work with at ADevelops. I design and develop electronics for new concepts and challenging products that match my specialisation.

With your expertise in your domain and my expertise in electronics, we can do great things together.

Would you like to see what I can do for you?

Get in touch to schedule an appointment.

Anton Driessen electronics expert