Modern combustion engines have advanced control units. The sensors and actuators needed to be simulated to convert an engine for use with an alternative fuel. An analysis was carried out of injection operations and the way the engine control unit manages and reads them. A circuit was then designed to deactivate and simulate the existing fuel injector to prevent control unit failure.
Technologie: reverse engineering power electronics
Markt: automotive
A wireless power transfer system was developed for a new type of medical implant. The system was designed to be user-friendly and usable in conditions where the implant cannot be seen from outside. Antennas were designed, simulated and measured for the project. Legal limits (e.g. SAR) were also studied.
Technologie: wireless power transfer, antennas, RF
Markt: medical
Reliable electronics were developed to prepare a portable dialysis machine for clinical trials. The electronics manage the dialysis procedure and include safety circuits that ensure it stays within safe limits. The user can operate the device using a touchscreen.
Technologie: BLDC motor driver, safety systems, analog precision measurement, touchscreen
Markt: medical
High-power chargers (7–11 kW) are needed to fully charge electric cars overnight. As system architect, I was responsible for technological research and the development of a serial product. In addition to the resonant converter for the power transfer, the product contains safety systems that detect when metals or live parts get too close to the charge coils.
Technologie: wireless power transfer, wireless charging, resonant converter, safety systems, power electronics
Markt: automotive
I developed a 3 kW switched-mode power supply to convert 800 V to 12 V as replacement for a dynamo in a car. It is a lightweight, water-cooled design for a sport car manufacturer. Automotive electronics have to meet strict reliability and cost criteria, making it a central focus of this project. My main tasks in this project were conceptual design, component selection (BOM) and fine-tuning the specifications with the client.
Technologie: DC/DC conversion, isolated switched-mode power supply, power electronics
Markt: automotive
MRI scanners require high-precision amplifiers (on the ppm scale). These amplifiers deliver pulses at voltages > 1 kV and currents from 500 to 1000 A. I therefore made a switched-mode multi-level high-power amplifier that turns an input of ±10 V into an output of ±1000 V. Good MRI scans need a degree of precision in the mA range. A couple of patent applications were submitted during the development path.
Technologie: Multi-level converter, isolated switched-mode power supply, power factor correction (PFC), power electronics
Markt: medical
Description pending.
Technologie: motor controller, EtherCAT, power electronics
Markt: industrial
I developed power electronics for an agricultural robot used both outdoors and in a stable. They are IP-tight and weather-, wind- and dust-resistant. The main building blocks were: 12 V battery charger (300 W), 48 V/400 V switched-mode power supply (3 kW) and induction motor management with vector control. As system architect, I was responsible from the design phase to integration with the robot.
Technologie: DC/DC conversion, battery charger, motor controls, isolated switched-mode power supply, power electronics
Markt: agricultural industry
Description pending.
Technologie: BLDC motor driver, Li-ion battery charger, LED driver, power electronics, FPGAs
Markt: consumer
Description pending.
Technologie: safety tests, robust input and output circuits, reliability
Markt: industrial
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